Fortune and Comparison

I have been offhandedly toying with the notion of fortune lately, specifically as I reframe a gratitude practice that works for me. Arbitrarily listing off things I possess by some shallow worldview that, compared to such and such, I have it quite well, is no longer a useful practice as I deepen the soil I till. 

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Amanda Holstien
NEW Updates!

Greetings from my Home Office,

It’s been a bit of a whirlwind (shout out to the wind!) since closing the shop last month. Most of my November was clearing out, giving away, or storing items - appropriate for the Harvest Season. 

On Monday I dropped off my key to the shop and got a text from a friend asking if I had any selenite for sale. 

Yesterday was when the emotions hit me. While I am glad I closed the shop, I was anticipating some sort of emotional processing to come up, and yesterday was that day. The emotions and thoughts that arose yesterday catalyzed the first post on my new Substack page. 

Whilst and after closing the shop, I’ve been chewing on the question - “What’s next?” One of the answers is my new Substack page, where I will be posting my writings: poetry, pontifications and likely some magical tips. Check it out if you want to follow my philosophical musings on mental health and spiritual development. 

In the meantime, you’ll notice some changes to the website with limited products and services available. I’ve had to cancel some appointments that didn’t feel right and cancel some orders for products I no longer sell, but once the dust has settled, I know I’ll be grateful I took the risk to say no, set boundaries and live more authentically.

I love you so much, and I hope you are having a warm and peaceful holiday season.



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PoetryAmanda Holstien
Indifferent to Results

Whilst in my repeated contemplations of the Gita, I wonder how else I may meld its teachings into my soul.

On Monday, I was bent out of shape and trying to figure out why. In the afternoon, I turned back on the recording of this sacred text and was reminded by Lord Krishna, “You have a right to your actions, but never to your actions fruits.” Once again I had caused my own suffering through a desire and expectation!

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New Moon in Gemini

How many disappointments have I experienced simply by my own expectations or perceptions? Is there anything that is not from the mind?

When I think about suffering and world-wide matters, I wonder what is within my pay grade? How can I bring balance to my own life and home? Is my own “house” in order? This is a major theme of The Metaphysics of Good Vibrations - turning within, not as a means of navel gazing but as a means to peel away perceptions and simply remember Who I Am.

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Why I Quit Social Media

Last week I realized, while floating in my mother’s pool and listening to the audio book of Autobiography of a Yogi that I was giving away my most valuable gift: my perception. As an ever-aspiring mystic, yogi, magician, what-have-you, my perception, concentration and focus is of the utmost importance for Divine Realization. I tried to find balance for 5 years, but all I was doing was...

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The Metaphysics of Good Vibrations - VIP Presale

I wrote The Metaphysics of Good Vibrations between 2020-2022 after completing the Rite of Abramelin, which is a special initiation that commits one’s life to a magical path of service. During this Rite, I received what is called, Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel, which is just as esoteric as it sounds. After completing the Rite, my life was turned upside down and the rug pulled out from under me. In this process, I wrote The Metaphysics of Good Vibrations.

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West Texas Winds

I recently did a tarot reading to inquire the intention of these particularly rough West Texas winds we’ve been experiencing over the past few months. Though the cotton blowing in my back door seems to have softened the landscape, what I found in the reading was particularly interesting: The winds were sweeping in to bring balance.

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PoetryAmanda Holstien
2 of Cups - Tarot Reading 4/7/24 - 4/13/24

Check out this week's tarot reading for the week of 4/7/24 - 4/13/24 and its dominant card!
Subscribe, comment and share! To book a tarot reading with me go to:

Mother Mary's Spiritual Goods is located in Marfa, TX at 903 W San Antonio. Come by and get a tarot reading, spiritual working and spiritual supplies!

Amanda Holstien
instagram: @mothermarysspiritualgoods

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How to Make a Custom Incense Blend

Including my recipe for divination incense!

To book your reading, go to

Mother Mary's Spiritual Goods located at 903 W San Antonio in Marfa, TX for spiritual supplies, candles, incense, resins, evil eye protection, anointing oils, holy waters, floor washes and much more!

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Consider the Lillies


When asked recently why Easter is my third favorite holiday and Christmas my fourth, I replied, “It’s the vernal freshness, the physical exemplification of renewal.”

We say the sun is reborn on the solstice, slowly stretching a few extra rays of light in the darkest of nights until we behold: blossoms.

I started to notice petite purple flowers beginning to bloom as I walked my new deaf puppy Trixie in February. After the Pisces new moon on March 10th, the white flowers were apparent and the yellow too, as if they’d been there all along just waiting for me to notice.

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Common Tarot Concerns

Did you know you can ask the tarot cards a specific questions to get clarity on specific situations? Here’s one of the most common things I hear as a professional tarot reader. 

Book a private tarot reading with me online or in-person at and come by Mother Mary’s Spiritual Goods at 903 W San Antonio in Marfa, TX to stock up on your spiritual supplies.

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The Star - Tarot Reading 2/10/24 - 2/16/24

Check out this week's tarot reading for the week of 2/10/24 - 2/16/24 and its dominant card!
Subscribe, comment and share! To book a tarot reading with me go to:

EXCITING NEWS! I now have my own shop: Mother Mary's Spiritual Goods located in Marfa, TX at 903 W San Antonio. Come by and get a tarot reading, spiritual working and spiritual supplies!

Amanda Holstien
instagram: @mothermarysspiritualgoods

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5 of Swords - Tarot Reading 11/19/23-11/25/23

Check out this week's tarot reading for the week of 11/19/23-11/25/23 and its dominant card!
Subscribe, comment and share! To book a tarot reading with me go to:

EXCITING NEWS! I now have my own shop: Mother Mary's Spiritual Goods located in Marfa, TX at 903 W San Antonio. Come by and get a tarot reading, spiritual working and spiritual supplies!

Amanda Holstien
instagram: @mothermarysspiritualgoods

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Private Tarot Lessons Now Available!

Book here!

Private one-on-one tarot lessons now available with Amanda Holstien at Mother Mary’s Spiritual Goods in Marfa, TX.

Enjoy this private 1-on-1 tarot lesson with Amanda Holstien. We can meet in person or online if you are not in Far West Texas. 

With this private tarot lesson, you will learn the foundations of reading tarot, including:
* Energetic hygiene 
* How to care for your deck
* Foundational concepts of the major and minor arcana, including both mundane and esoteric interpretations
* How to utilize a 4-directional spread for both mundane and esoteric understanding

By the end of this class, you will have a strong and coherent foundation upon which to build your tarot practice and studies. In addition to a deeper understanding of the powers that flow through the cards, you will leave knowing how to find a lost object, check the energetic status of your home (and make corrections) as well as how to look at primary powers flowing through your life and how to best work with them.

Each class includes a free Rider Waite Smith Tarot deck to use as a training deck * 

For group rates, email:

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