Posts in Addiction
Week 1, Day 9: I am Enough

For those of you who listen to my podcast, A Thousand Serious Moves, you probably already know that my dog and good friend Tupes passed away last Saturday. It has been a rough week in more than one way, and I have been trying my hardest to take it easy. Of course I understand the irony of that statement: trying my hardest to take it easy.

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Quitting Cigarettes (Again)

I’ve never considered myself a “smoker” even though I’ve been smoking casually since I was 18. At first it started out as an oral fixation to keep me from eating when I had an eating disorder. Then, smoking became something to do when I went out drinking. Or if I’d travel to Europe, it only seemed culterally respectful to smoke. And when I did standup comedy, I didn’t want to sit through an entire open mic, and smoking with other comedians outside was a way of networking. Then, when I got clean, nicotine seemed like the only thing I could have, but when I’d smoke cigarettes, it’s like what I really wanted was to get high.

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