Mother Mary's Spiritual Goods

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Why I Quit Social Media

Howdy friends!

As some of you may know, last week I deleted my social media accounts. A few of you even texted to make sure I was okay (lol). The answer is: I am more than okay; I am at peace.

Last week I made a decision I had been wanting to make for 5 years. I held on to social media for so long despite how shitty it made me feel. I can’t recall even one time I checked my Instagram and felt better afterwards. Furthermore, and more importantly: I was freely giving away my concentration and ability to focus.

Last week I realized, while floating in my mother’s pool and listening to the audio book of Autobiography of a Yogi that I was giving away my most valuable gift: my perception. As an ever-aspiring mystic, yogi, magician, what-have-you, my perception, concentration and focus is of the utmost importance for Divine Realization. I tried to find balance for 5 years, but all I was doing was checking for cartoon hearts every 5 minutes.

I recalled the verse from Matthew 5:30:
”And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell.”

While this bit-dramatic scripture is often quoted to young boys regarding masturbation, I found the wisdom applicable and calling to my situation.

When I think of sin, I do not think of condemnation. Many who grew up in protestant churches will recall that the definition of “sin” is to miss the mark. As a mystic, I believe we are all children of the Divine; thus, to “sin” is to “miss the mark” of realization that I Am That I Am. Sin is anything that gets in the way of my realizing that I Am.

Social media was causing me to miss the mark; it was distracting me from my path and aspirations of Divine Realization. What could social media and fame give me that could even compare to Knowing God?

Every hope, aspiration and intention for fame and external validation has been but vanity and grasping for the wind. So now, here I am with all this free time to fill with study of the Bhagavad Gita, trips to Big Bend, staring at walls and updating my website (still in updating my website (still in progress)).

My book The Metaphysics of Good Vibrations went up for sale on Amazon on Sunday evening, which you can order here. Or if you prefer a signed copy, you can order a VIP package from my website here.

Amazon notified me that my copies of the book were shipped today, so I should have them by next week and send out VIP packages by the 10th.

I love you all so very much.
Below is a poem I wrote at Balmorhea yesterday.


“Lord Krishna and Arjuna” 

If I may bask in the light of God’s stillness,
remembering again and again
to turn results over and over.
When I catch a drift,
a scent of roses
carried over by my friend
the wind
with waves crashing
children splashing,
I remember again and again.
How could I even daily surrender
with goat heads under my feet
smelling once again
the scent of roses
recalling Krishna, so bitter and sweet.
That I could have a love like Lord Krishna
forever to bow at his feet
or the love he has for Arjuna
until I remember:
This too is me.
Accepting the sacred should be so easy
the profane too calling my name;
giving birth over and over,
if I can simply get out of the way.